Monday, December 6, 2010

How to fix the conversation partner problem

This semester, I met with my conversation partner only once, so obviously my experience was not that great. However, there are many in the class that had excellent experiences and this proves that it was a good program. It just needs some tweaking.
One thing I think would help get it started is to have a group meeting between the classes. This gives everyone a chance to meet their partner in a non-stress setting. Also, there is not the problem the first time of trying to figure out who your partner is in a cloud of strangers. It can be a little get-together with food and games to get to know each other. This will give a background to make it easier to go off of.
Also maybe a survey of interests would help. This way, you may have something in common to make a starting point when meeting them.
These are just some ideas about how to start off the program more effectively, but after that initial meeting, it really is up to both the partners how to proceed.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with the group setting. It would help to not be awkward at market square or where ever you meet up with you partner the first time. And the interests survey thing would be an excellent addition the this program as well. That would make everything easier and would be an easier transition into doing things both parties like to do.
